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What Disables Teams During Change and How to Fix It – Mastering Change in 90 Days! (Webinar)


If you or your team are experiencing change or disruption in your organization, here are a couple strategies to help with motivation, productivity, and sanity.

In this 3:00-minute video, I give you actionable steps you can take and start using right now to help you or your team in the ever-evolving landscape of organizational change.

What often disables us or our team's ability to do our best during times of disruption is fear. Fear of uncertainty. Fear that our basic needs may not be met (for example, If we lose our job, we will not have the money for our necessities). Without the proper tools, fear in the workplace is costly, upwards of 500 Billion for US companies according to a recent Gallup study.

But what if I told you that fear doesn't have to be a foe? It doesn’t need to slow you or your team down. That's right, we're talking about flipping the script and making fear your ally.

If you want to know more and are ready to develop a 90 Day Strategy, here's a sneak peek of what...

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How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

(Scroll below to view the video)

Do you ever get distracted and veer from what’s most important?

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to focus on what really matters to have massive impact this year? 

We all do, but there are a couple things that sets the best apart from the rest.

It's time to "course correct"... so you can fully lean into this year.

World-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable clarity and focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are two tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto.
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their...
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How to Focus on What Really Matters

How to Focus on What Really Matters

(Scroll below to view the video)

Do you ever get distracted and veer off from what’s most important? Of course, that’s a trick question. We all do, especially this time of year!

You might wonder how world-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are a couple tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their future self and their future experiences to life. 

    Here’s a example from my book (ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU) that explains this...
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Why You Need Fear (Not Just on Halloween)!

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

From an evolutionary standpoint, fear is useful. If you are in danger, fear triggers your body to release hormones that prepare you for fight or flight to get out of harm's way.

Fear could save your life. When it comes to high performance in a critical moment though, fear can be problematic if not managed properly. Fear of failure may stand in the way of getting started or encourage you to quit. Fear is also distracting. It can take you from the present moment back to a past failure or into a future irrational thought (i.e. ‘This is never going to work out’). Fear is normal in many cases but needs to be managed properly to encourage you to perform your best especially when it matters most. It’s even common for world-class performers to experience fear as well. The difference is they have the (learned) skills to manage their fear and deal with it at a time that is appropriate, not when they need to shine.

Let’s take it...

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How NOT to Set Dumb Goals

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

In 1976, Steve Wozniak suggested to Hewlett Packard (his employer at the time) the idea of creating a personal computer. He was rejected, so he and his friend Steve Jobs got to work themselves on their dream of individual creativity for each user.

Martin Luther King had a dream that someday we would all be equal.

When Michael Phelps was 7 years old, he had a dream that there were no limits on what he could achieve.

Did these world-class performers meet all of the criteria of S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)? No. They dreamt big and worked every day like that dream was possible, even through massive setbacks and failures.

Here are a couple of reasons why YOU should dream big too:

1.)  Broad to Narrow:

When you dream big, are more optimistic, and shoot for the stars. You are more aware of opportunities that present themselves. This broad awareness may lead you to be more confident and throw your hat...

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Smart Strategies to Get Better ... QUICKER!

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Do you, anyone you care about, or anyone you influence ever feel like the effort is there but the results are not?

Maybe there is something important, but going after it doesn’t happen because "I’m not smart enough, tall enough, senior enough, pretty enough, male enough, worthy enough"...etc.? It’s been proven in science that YOU ARE ENOUGH to make progress towards anything that’s important to you. You just need the proper tools and the willingness to put in the work.

Here’s a tool and a couple tips to get you started.

Download the FREE Deliberate Practice Worksheet:  Use this new worksheet when you want to accelerate your progress for something important to you. How much you practice matters, but even more important is HOW you practice.

The following tips are based on research done over the last three plus decades by Dr. Anders Ericsson, the research scientist and expert on the science of...

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3 Secrets to Pre-Game Rituals That You Need to Know Now

Pre-game rituals are tools that help world-class performers to be calm and focused during situations that are important to them. The great thing is: You don’t have to be an Olympic hopeful to use rituals to help you do your best, especially when you are under pressure and the outcome matters.

Here are a few tips, so you can set up a ritual that helps you rise to the occasion:

1).  Fuel Up:

Do you have a favorite pre-game snack or meal? If there is something that you eat and/or drink in the morning or before an important event that sits well with you and gives you good energy?  Try making that part of your pre-game ritual.

2).  Look Sharp:

Do you have a favorite article of clothing? Maybe something that you feel confident wearing? Maybe a ‘lucky’ article of clothing that you’ve worn previously when you’ve really crushed something? If so, have it ready to go the next time you need to be world-class for something important to you!


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