Latest Blog Article: Pro's, Con's and Profitability of Being Virtual First - an Interview with Jessica Bacher

Empowering Leaders and Changing the World

It was an absolute honor to be part of the Ideagen Global Acceleration Summit, where I had the privilege of engaging in a captivating interview with George Sifakis, the CEO of Ideagen.

In this transformative conversation, we delved into the depths of what drives me, the purpose behind my work, and the profound impact it can have on individuals and the world at large.

Here are a few key takeaways from our conversation:

  • Choosing to Lead: It's essential to recognize that leadership is a choice we make for ourselves. Whether we're world-class athletes or aspiring executives, the power to determine our worth and success lies within us. By embracing the mindset of self-determination, we can tap into our potential and achieve remarkable outcomes.  

  • Empowering Women Leaders: We are living in a pivotal moment in history where the voices of women need to be heard, valued, and respected more than ever before. Through executive coaching, I have been helping female leaders access their highest selves, affecting positive change in companies, cultures, and the world. Their unique qualities, such as conscious capitalism, intuitiveness, and the ability to lead with love, shape a different and impactful style of leadership.

  • Mental Toughness and Visualization: Developing mental toughness is crucial for success in any field. I highlighted the importance of emotional agility and mindful monitoring of our thoughts. Visualization, akin to crafting a movie in our minds, plays a pivotal role in achieving desired outcomes. By envisioning success, planning meticulously, and rehearsing positive scenarios, we can build the mental resilience needed to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

By choosing to lead, empowering women leaders, and developing mental toughness through visualization, we can create transformative change in ourselves, in our companies, and in the world around us.

The full interview video will provide an in-depth exploration of these key takeaways and offer valuable insights to help us on our leadership journey. Let us embrace the power within us and embark on a path of growth, impact, and positive transformation. Together, we can make a difference.

If you'd like to gain clarity on 'what's next' and then get a plan in place for yourself or your team to build the confidence and influence to see it through, I’d love to help you or your team.

Schedule your Get Acquainted call here


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