Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

The First Step to Defuse an Emotionally Charged Conversation


“When the pressure is on, you don’t rise to the occasion —

you fall to your highest level of preparation.”

- Chris Voss

I recently spent time with Chris Voss and a few of his Black Swan NYPD and FBI hostage negotiators in New York City. It was slightly terrifying (I’m half joking), but the quote above sums up why most emotionally charged conversations escalate and ultimately fail to be productive. 

Lack of preparation.

This is the first part of a live SOLD OUT masterclass series presented to the @theWITNetwork and the topic for an upcoming live event for @Coco Brown's amazing @the-athena-alliance, so I hope you find it helpful as well!

Most of us catastrophize about a potentially emotionally charged conversation which is understandable. Who wants to have an uncomfortable conversation? But, if the conversation is potentially emotional, it's likely an important one.

The first step to defuse an emotionally charged conversation is to make sure you...

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Podcast Episode #118: "Leading and Mentoring in Today's Tech Industry" - an Interview with Natasha Engan


Leading and Mentoring in Today's Tech Industry

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Natasha Engan (Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Deltek), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Experiences growing up in a small town of 10,000 people
  • The importance of mentorship in your life
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Executive presence is about how you show up
  • When you take care of yourself, you show up better
  • It’s OK to make some crazy decisions (if you learn from them)
  • It matters who you marry if you get married
  • All emerging leaders DO deserve an opportunity

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Natasha Engan.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your...

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Podcast Episode #84: "Making Sure Your Tech is Simple, Scalable and Secure" - an Interview with Mihaela Mazzenga

women in tech Mar 24, 2021

Making Sure Your Tech is Simple, Scalable and Secure

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Mihaela Mazzenga (Chief Technology Officer, The Sharper Image), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • It’s important to understand a narrative as events happen around you. But also understand that your journey isn’t going to be the same as anyone else.
  • A reminder women in tech, to just be yourself and to execute how you can execute best. The outcome is going to be whatever you put your best foot forward to be.
  • Tech is progressing to become more and more cloud based, you can use that for competency and build on top of it.
  • Get rid of the noise around you. Whether that’s a narrative or on expectations, or what others think about you.
  • Really take that personal responsibility, and develop yourself and also start aligning yourself with people that can support you.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn...

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Podcast Episode #59: "How Women Are Shaping Tech" - an Interview with Carrie Goetz

How Women Are Shaping Tech

STOP and listen if you want to fast track your career success! Carrie Goetz (Principal and CTO of StrategITcom) hit this interview out of the park. SO much wisdom shared. Here are a few of the main take-aways:
-- When someone says ’You can’t.’, figure it out and get it done.
-- Try not to allow others to pull you down.
-- Be bold and take chances even when you don’t have all the answers or are not totally prepared.
-- If in a very negative environment, consider trying to work it out or getting out.
-- Write down of everything you do in a role. You’ll need it someday.
-- Don’t be afraid to try something new out, even if you have no experience.
-- Ask for help often, BUT be clear on what you need first.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at ...

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