Latest Blog Article: Pro's, Con's and Profitability of Being Virtual First - an Interview with Jessica Bacher

Podcast Episode #123: "How Women in Tech Can Push Through Bias and Become an Authority" an Interview with Gretchen O'Hara

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2022

How Women in Tech Can Push Through Bias and Become an Authority

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Gretchen O'Hara (Channel Chief, Vice President Worldwide Channels & Alliances at Splunk), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • You don’t have to have everything figured out, just a vision and the first step
  • Start talking about what you want. Put it out into the universe consistently, and see who emerges to help you!
  • Learn from the ‘no’s’, dust off, and keep going
  • When considering a big leap, be careful about whose opinion you accept to listen to
  • Don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there and taking on new challenges

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Gretchen...

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Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2023

goal planning strategy Oct 13, 2022

Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2023

Do you ever get distracted or veer from what’s most important? Maybe you’re too overwhelmed to think about it, or you’re not even clear on what it is anymore! If so, you’re definitely not alone. Maybe it’s time to course-correct and get more strategic about the year you want to have and the impact you’re going to create in 2023…

This has certainly been a year of reflection, and it’s the perfect time to get clear on what matters most to you, how you’d like to achieve it, and how you’d like to feel in the process.

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to make a shift, or you are not sure where to start. As we wind up the year, here are a couple of things that might help create the impact you want and deserve on your terms.

Consider that goals are not just about your career, such as meeting/exceeding projections, having more influence with leadership,...

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Podcast Episode #122: "Strategies to Nurture Our Future Technology Leaders" - an Interview with Michelle Chiantera


Strategies to Nurture Our Future Technology Leaders

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Michelle Chianera (Chief Marketing Officer at Alludo), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • When offered an opportunity, don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable and learn.
  • Even if you lack experience, ask ‘What do I bring to the table?’
  • Be willing to go through an emotional roller coaster with big decisions.
  • Networking is relationship building. It’s constant and critical to move with agility.
  • Own your leadership style.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Michelle Chiantera.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your next level of impact and joy!



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Podcast Episode #121: "Driving Innovations… From Frontline to Boardroom" - an Interview with Maggie Chan Jones


Driving Innovations... From Frontline to Boardroom

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Maggie Chan Jones (CEO and Founder at Tenshey), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • If you’re thinking of going for a big opportunity, ask ‘What is the worst that could happen?’ which may help you go for it!
  • When someone offers you a great opportunity that you’re not sure you can do, just say yes! You can learn how later.
  • If you have a seat at the table, know you belong and ask yourself ‘What are my unique values/experiences that I bring?
  • Innovation starts from the outcome.
  • Take time for yourself to be still to allow innovation to come to you.

Be sure to check out Maggie's new book "Decoding Sponsorship."

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at ...

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Podcast Episode #118: "Leading and Mentoring in Today's Tech Industry" - an Interview with Natasha Engan


Leading and Mentoring in Today's Tech Industry

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Natasha Engan (Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Deltek), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Experiences growing up in a small town of 10,000 people
  • The importance of mentorship in your life
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Executive presence is about how you show up
  • When you take care of yourself, you show up better
  • It’s OK to make some crazy decisions (if you learn from them)
  • It matters who you marry if you get married
  • All emerging leaders DO deserve an opportunity

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Natasha Engan.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your...

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Why S.M.A.R.T. Goals Are Dumb in 2023

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

In 1976, Steve Wozniak suggested to Hewlett Packard (his employer at the time) the idea of creating a personal computer. He was rejected, so he and his friend Steve Jobs got to work themselves on their dream of individual creativity for each user.

Martin Luther King had a dream that someday we would all be equal.

When Michael Phelps was 7 years old, he had a dream that there were no limits on what he could achieve.

Did these world-class performers meet all of the criteria of S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)? No. They dreamt big and worked every day like that dream was possible, even through massive setbacks and failures.

Here are a couple of reasons why YOU should dream big too:

1.)  Broad to Narrow:

When you dream big, are more optimistic, and shoot for the stars. You are more aware of opportunities that present themselves. This broad awareness may lead you to be more confident and throw your hat...

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Podcast Episode #116: "Creating an Authentic Leadership Style" - an Interview with Barbara Holzapfel


Creating an Authentic Leadership Style

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Barbara Holzapfel (Former Vice President of Microsoft Education and Board Member), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Be bold in your ambition
  • Be authentic and know what matters to you
  • Lean into tough feedback, learn from it, and keep going! (edited) 
  • Be clear on your values
  • Have a world-class personal advisory board who will push you outside your comfort zone

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Barbara Holzapfel.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your next level of impact and joy!


P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain...

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Podcast Episode #115: "The First Step to Unlocking Your Limitless Leadership" - an Interview with Gina Tesla

leadership limitless Sep 06, 2022

The First Step to Unlocking Your Limitless Leadership

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Gina Tesla (Vice President, Sustainability and Social Impact, Coupa Software ), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • It is through times of loss or struggle, where you grow the most
  • Visualize yourself doing really well... visualize what’s going to happen.... visualize at the end how happy you feel or how proud others might feel of you, or how you feel like you really did a good job
  • Anything that you can do to take a little thing off of somebody’s plate is very beneficial
  • Take the time for yourself, take a breath, get your body in more of a receptive state, and say to yourself, "I can really see myself in this role, whether it’s a promotion, whether it’s presenting in a meeting" ... the first part is to really give yourself that permission to pause and visualize it
  • If you’re not comfortable talking to someone, write it in a journal...
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Need a Q3 Pause & Plan? 🙋‍♀️

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2022

Need a Q3 Pause & Plan?

Are you feeling like the end of the year is closing in already!? It kind of is!

There is some exciting news at the end of this, so stick with me (or jump to the end, lol).

July and August are ideal times to pause, plan and possibly make a course correction for the remainder of the year. Let’s slow down for a minute, so we can speed up on what matters most.

While this video was shot in July, August is also the perfect time for your ‘pause and plan’! If you have not done so already, it’s time!

These are great to do every year to make sure you’re running in the right direction, running towards what matters most, and running in a way that you can sustain.

It’s a great time to take an honest inventory of how the year has gone up to this point and giving deep thought to how you’d like it to finish. It’s a time to reflect and celebrate the ‘wins’ as well as a time to shine a light on where to be more bold,...

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Time to DE-CIDE on Your Next Best Move?

clarity commitment Jul 27, 2022

Time to DE-CIDE On Your Next Best Move?

Now that we are on the backside of 2022, it’s possible that it’s time for a new beginning, a shift, so we can finish the year as strong as possible. Maybe it’s a shift in your morning routine, how much you commit to speaking up, or a big shift in terms of how you lead, where you lead or in what capacity.

Is it time to DE-CIDE?

Phonetically speaking, “de” means “of” and “cide” means, well “death.” When you DE-CIDE, it’s the ‘death of’ any other option. Deciding is a commitment to move forward, even if you are not ready or are scared. If you gut and your heart says it’s a go, then let’s get it!

Oftentimes gaining pure clarity is the hardest part.


Simply put, we have a lot of baggage, past experiences, past influences, and stories we tell ourselves which gets in the way of us taking action.

The good news is that there is a process to get clear, so we...

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