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Podcast Episode #96: "Empowering Your Team to Deliver Technology Solutions on Time" - an Interview with Calline Sanchez

Empowering Your Team to Deliver Technology Solutions On Time

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Calline Sanchez (VP of Global TSS Service Planning and Premium Support for IBM), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Be open to the diversity of thought and speak it, know that every idea may not be welcomed
  • It’s important that you just feel comfort in your own personal voice and your ideas
  • Challenge yourself by asking, “how do I stay relevant?”
  • Always consistently want to remain relevant
  • Focus on the process and put in that work, that will really set yourself up for being really impactful

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

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Are You Feeling a Little Out of Control? Try This...

90 day plan control Aug 10, 2021

Are You Feeling a Little Out of Control? Try This...

Are you controlling your day, or is your day controlling you?

World-class performers have one essential habit to get through busy and challenging days... even those days when the sh%@t hits the fan and all hell seems to break loose. Developing clear boundaries will help you take control of your days, so you can make consistent and measurable progress.

Think about it…

  • What do you NEED to be your best self throughout the day?
  • What MUST you accomplish?
  • HOW do you protect the time to make it happen?

Here are 3 tips:

  1. Plan out what boundaries you need to set in order to make your day a success
  2. Commit and don’t feel bad about it
  3. Fill in the crew. Let the important people in your life know about your new routine

Feeling in control can help you be more relaxed, calm, and happy. Each day will certainly be more rewarding if you truly value and honor what is important to you.

If you’re a female leader and would like to...

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Do Not Let This Be You in Q3

recommit reset Aug 09, 2021

Do Not Let This Be You in Q3

Have you ever felt like you’re running hard but not in the right direction? Maybe your circumstances or ambitions have changed, or you’re running a new race.

Wouldn’t it be great to receive a custom training tailored to you? In other words, something created to solve your specific problems and help you reset and recommit to a Q3 you’re excited about? Let’s make sure you’re running in the right direction, so you can sustain your pace and be happy doing it!

I want to help with this, so I’m going to ask for a quick favor: Could you take a moment to answer the 3 brief questions? Click here.

I’m determined to help you and/or your team reset and recommit, so by the end of August, you’ll feel more in control, productive and purposeful.

If you respond to this email, I’ll do my best to create the right tools and resources to help you or your team do just that.

I look forward to your reply!



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Need a Q3 Pause & Plan?

Need a Q3 Pause & Plan?

Do you ever use July as a time to pause, plan and possibly make a course correction for the remainder of the year?

Is it that time?

These are great to do every year to make sure you’re running in the right direction, running towards what matters most, and running in a way that you can sustain. 

It’s a great time to take an honest inventory of how the year has gone up to this point and giving deep thought to how you’d like it to finish. It’s a time to reflect and celebrate the ‘wins’ as well as a time to shine a light on where to be more bold, more courageous, and where to step up and serve at an even higher level.

It’s also a time to reflect on excuses and stories that are no longer of service, boundaries needed and the consistent action to take to make 2H 2021 the best possible. 

Whenever we are looking to shift or move to the next level (promotion, board seat, shifting direction in a role, shifting out...

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Time for a Mid-Year Course Correction?

clarity mid-year Jun 15, 2021

Time for a Mid-Year Course Correction?

If you feel like you’re spinning, not in control of your days, your voice is not being heard, or you’re just not making the progress you want and deserve, we need to chat.

Your voice, contribution and leadership matter, a lot. In order for you to get the projects, promotions, recognition and respect you want and deserve, AND in a sustainable way, we’ll need to take a pause. Here is step #1 which are a few questions to ponder for a mid-year course correction, so you can finish the year strong, and happy.

Warning! These may not be easy.

Step #1: Gain Clarity

  • Am I in the right role, or do I need to make an exit plan?
  • Do I feel heard, valued and respected?
  • What would an ideal work day look like for me?
  • What’s one big (or small:) ask to make this happen?
  • What’s a micro-step I can take to make this happen?

You are a gift. 

A leader whose authentic, confident and compassionate voice needs to be heard, valued and...

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Podcast Episode #95 - "Building Diversity in Tech" - an Interview with Nikkia Carter

diversity Jun 09, 2021

Building Diversity in Tech

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Nikkia Carter (Worldwide Modern Work and Security Tech Strategy Lead, Microsoft), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Make sure you negotiate your salary at the range that you should be in and make it non-negotiable.
  • Tech leaders should teach young adults in impoverished situations or who have low education, and get them into tech.
  • The mindset is within determination and believing in yourself.
  • Demonstrate for other people and just put yourself out there.
  • If something’s important to you, despite not having all the answers. You will figure it out, just be patient with yourself.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

(Please click the green arrow button below to begin listening to...

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You're a Big D@mn Deal!

recognition Jun 03, 2021

You're a Big D@mn Deal!

Due to cultural reasons, how we were brought up, or literally our DNA from hundreds of years of conditioning, women are not speaking up and making their accomplishments known. It’s important to know this and speak about your achievements!

You are a big d@mn deal!

If you want the recognition and opportunities you deserve, this is an important part of taking control. 

To begin, gain clarity on your values and your passions. What do you love? What lights you up? For me, it’s preparing others for high-level meetings, presentations or interviews, and then hearing they’ve knocked it out of the park.

What is it for you? Figure it out and get comfortable speaking about it, so others are aware of what you love and what you are good at. 

Do you feel like this may be bragging? Contrary to popular belief, people are interested in what you have to say and more inclined to keep you in mind for opportunities that come up in line with your...

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Podcast Episode #94: "911 Female Financial Wellness Check" - an Interview with Debra Curry

finance Jun 02, 2021

911 Female Financial Wellness Check

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Debra Curry (Director of Investment Strategies, Yosemite Capital Management), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • You need an advisor if you have a large sum of assets, someone who can help you get through it. 
  • You can delegate a lot of your financial work, but you still need to know what’s going on.
  • To have a clear understanding of your financials or in preparation of seeking an advisor, create a financial binder/file.
  • Gather all of your statements together, your passwords, your will, your trust, to make a binder or file.
  • It’s essential to understand everything that you’re signing, including your tax return.
  • Everything has a specific language, and you really need a translator. Hire someone that speaks the language.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset...

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Podcast Episode #93: "How to Drive Value and Become a Priceless Board Member" - an Interview with Alla Liberman

boardroom May 19, 2021

How to Drive Value and Become a Priceless Board Member

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Alla Liberman (Chief Investment Officer, Pentagon Capital Partners), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • If there’s something in your heart just go for it. Don’t be afraid to put yourself in a position where you have to figure it out.
  • Take the leap. You really need to understand, press, and ask tough questions
  • Keep asking, demanding, and being transparent. Be very open about your goals and start having people be accountable.
  • Believe in your common sense and your intuition.
  • For your first six months, put your head down and do the work. Become knowledgeable and don’t be afraid to speak up.
  • Be mindful of the culture. Observe what’s going on and understand the mission..

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real...

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4 Steps to Preparing for Your Next Crucial Conversation

crucial conversation May 19, 2021

4 Steps to Preparing for Your Next Crucial Conversation

Are you hoping to nail an upcoming crucial conversation but a little worried about how it might turn out?

Whether you’ve completely missed the mark on a past conversation, or you didn’t exactly receive the results you were hoping for, here are four steps that can serve as a guideline to achieve meaningful results on your next conversation that matters. 

Step #1
5 deep belly breaths or “box breathing” to help build your physical and mental presence. Breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5, exhale for 5, hold for 5. Not only for your internal focus but also to prepare how others perceive you.  

Step #2
Awareness. Notice whichever emotions are triggered by an upcoming conversation (ie: fear, anger, frustration…). 

Step #3
Distance yourself. Create a distance from your negative emotions, thoughts or feelings by shifting from “I am” to “I notice.” For example, "I am...

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