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Podcast Episode #121: "Driving Innovations… From Frontline to Boardroom" - an Interview with Maggie Chan Jones


Driving Innovations... From Frontline to Boardroom

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Maggie Chan Jones (CEO and Founder at Tenshey), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • If you’re thinking of going for a big opportunity, ask ‘What is the worst that could happen?’ which may help you go for it!
  • When someone offers you a great opportunity that you’re not sure you can do, just say yes! You can learn how later.
  • If you have a seat at the table, know you belong and ask yourself ‘What are my unique values/experiences that I bring?
  • Innovation starts from the outcome.
  • Take time for yourself to be still to allow innovation to come to you.

Be sure to check out Maggie's new book "Decoding Sponsorship."

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at ...

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Podcast Episode #116: "Creating an Authentic Leadership Style" - an Interview with Barbara Holzapfel


Creating an Authentic Leadership Style

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Barbara Holzapfel (Former Vice President of Microsoft Education and Board Member), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Be bold in your ambition
  • Be authentic and know what matters to you
  • Lean into tough feedback, learn from it, and keep going! (edited) 
  • Be clear on your values
  • Have a world-class personal advisory board who will push you outside your comfort zone

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Barbara Holzapfel.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your next level of impact and joy!


P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain...

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3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

(Scroll below to view the video)

After researching, studying and working with the Top 1%, I’ve learned that there are are similarities and differences between world-class performers and everyone else. Everyone experiences anger, fear, frustration, and doubt. Everyone. There’s one important difference though that, that sets the best apart from the rest. It’s that world-class performers are intimately and vividly aware of what they want and why they care so deeply.

Maybe you’ve heard that before, but do you know how to uncover your why?

Your real why.

Regardless of what your next level of ambition is, it might be hard. Maybe really hard. What will get you to your next finish line or to your own personal Olympics is being intimately aware of why you care about it. This will prove as your biggest cheerleader, and it will extend a lifeline when you want to quit.


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4 Easy Steps to Set Yourself Up for Consistent Progress

4 Easy Steps to Set Yourself Up for Consistent Progress

(Scroll below to view the video)

Happy New Year 2019 everyone! Here's wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year."  I want to pass along some easy steps to help you make progress everyday towards the goals and ambitions you want and deserve.

World-class athletes and business professionals do not achieve and maintain greatness alone, and neither can you. Accountability is one way you can set yourself up for consistent progress on your march towards your Olympics.

So how do you choose the right peer, friend, or colleague as an accountability buddy?

Well, they should be:

  • More experienced than you (ideally)
  • Have your best interests at heart
  • Not in competition with you in any way
  • Not threatened by you                   ...
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How NOT to Feel Mediocre at Work and/or at Home

How NOT to Feel Mediocre at Work and/or at Home

(Scroll below to view the video)

I recently led a workshop for 15 brilliant men and women. Total transparency, the room was a downright intimidating group of mainly female senior engineering, technology, and mathematics influencers. Despite some pre-game jitters for me, the workshop was engaging, impactful, and even fun!

The topic was: How to Speak Up and Use Unconscious Bias to Your Advantage, and we spent our time specifically on Emotional Control and Influence.

Their #1 Challenge: How not to feel mediocre at work and/or at home.

Due in part to unconscious bias and part to being a minority (either women or men who are atypical of being STEM leaders) in their field, these mostly PhD’s who were published, departments heads, and changing the world for the better, felt mediocre at work AND at home.

Here are a few tips to help you be and feel like you are world-class in your career and at home.

  1. Gain clarity...
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Quick Guide to Gaining World-Class Clarity (Take the "Get to Know Yourself" Questionnaire)

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Lack of clarity is the death of productivity AND joy.

I’ve seen it personally (... yes, I admit it!), and I’ve seen it in countless individuals and organizations. Whether it’s clarity on any given day, for a project or for a long-term mission, clarity is more important than you may even realize.

See, what we think and what we say to ourselves over and over again... we tend to believe. Take it even a step further. These thoughts and comments we make to ourselves (our internal dialogue) can manifest in our actions and eventually in the life we create for ourselves.

Clarity is the starting line for our best and most joyous selves.

Our ship needs to know where to sail, and we must believe the destination is not too remote. We must also know WHY we care so deeply... really why.

Leroy Dixon is a 2x Olympian and gold medalist in track and field. In a recent interview, I was surprised to learn, Dixon doesn’t even like track...

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Learn How to Be More Purposeful (3 World-Class Tips)

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Whether you consider yourself a world-class performer or not, you have a lot in common with those among the elite either professionally, academically or athletically. You may sometimes fall off your purpose or lose it entirely. ‘Is this really what I am meant to do in the long-term?’ ‘What is my purpose or the best way for me to make progress today?’ ‘I need to switch gears, so how do find my (new) purpose?’ Athletes retire or get injured, senior leaders switch careers, academics change fields of interest, so they are not immune either! Lacking clarity on purpose can feel like the middle place, and it doesn’t tend to be too comfortable (at least not in my experience). Partly because we are not making progress towards something where we are making an impact for ourselves and/or for others.

The good news is that we can learn from what world-class performers do a little differently to be more...

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Three Tips to Gain World-Class Clarity in 2018

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

If you are like me, you are getting bombarded with content on how to make 2018 amazing, and most of it is GREAT!

But, there’s just one problem.

To truly make 2018 amazing, we need to gain clarity on what’s important to us, and then have the mindset to make clear and measurable progress.

Whoa! That sounds like a lot, so where should we start?

Well that part is easy!

Gaining world-class clarity on what’s most important to us is the vital first step. Your ship needs to know where to sail, or you won’t get far. You will also get pretty worn out in the process and possibly give up. We don’t want that!

Let’s take the first step to your best year ever, together.  Here are 3 tips:

  1. Choose family/relationships, career, wellness… What is one area that is incredibly important to you where you didn’t quite pull off your best last year?
  2. Believe what you desire is possible. Yep, it’s proven in...
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From “No Talent” to 2X Olympian & Gold Medalist ... A Conversation with Leroy Dixon

Photo Source:

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

What’s one thing we all have in common with world-class performers?

We all experience fear and doubt. These are two emotions that are felt at every level of performance, from novice to world-class. Striving for the next level and performing in moments that matter is scary, for everyone. There are also a couple fundamental differences that separates the best from the rest.

I was fortunate enough to interview Leroy Dixon recently, and he shared two of the most important factors that helped him go from “no talent” to 2X Olympian, gold medalist and (did I mention?) the 7th fastest man ever recorded in his event. Yes, Mr. Dixon has beaten Usain Bolt in his career as well. Maybe we are not going to be Olympians, but we CAN be world-class at what’s important to us. As a matter of fact, I believe we MUST. The army of do-gooders must prevail, so the time for us to level up is now.


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3 Secrets to Pre-Game Rituals That You Need to Know Now

Pre-game rituals are tools that help world-class performers to be calm and focused during situations that are important to them. The great thing is: You don’t have to be an Olympic hopeful to use rituals to help you do your best, especially when you are under pressure and the outcome matters.

Here are a few tips, so you can set up a ritual that helps you rise to the occasion:

1).  Fuel Up:

Do you have a favorite pre-game snack or meal? If there is something that you eat and/or drink in the morning or before an important event that sits well with you and gives you good energy?  Try making that part of your pre-game ritual.

2).  Look Sharp:

Do you have a favorite article of clothing? Maybe something that you feel confident wearing? Maybe a ‘lucky’ article of clothing that you’ve worn previously when you’ve really crushed something? If so, have it ready to go the next time you need to be world-class for something important to you!


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