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From “No Talent” to 2X Olympian & Gold Medalist ... A Conversation with Leroy Dixon

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What’s one thing we all have in common with world-class performers?

We all experience fear and doubt. These are two emotions that are felt at every level of performance, from novice to world-class. Striving for the next level and performing in moments that matter is scary, for everyone. There are also a couple fundamental differences that separates the best from the rest.

I was fortunate enough to interview Leroy Dixon recently, and he shared two of the most important factors that helped him go from “no talent” to 2X Olympian, gold medalist and (did I mention?) the 7th fastest man ever recorded in his event. Yes, Mr. Dixon has beaten Usain Bolt in his career as well. Maybe we are not going to be Olympians, but we CAN be world-class at what’s important to us. As a matter of fact, I believe we MUST. The army of do-gooders must prevail, so the time for us to level up is now.

Here are the two tips from Leroy Dixon to do just that:

1. Believe You Can.
Believe wholeheartedly that your dream is possible. I mean believe down to your DNA that you can achieve what you desire. This will require some work as we are filtering out our past thoughts, past failures, the nay-sayers and our loving family who doesn’t always say the right things (despite their best intentions!) This is going to require some work even before your journey starts. Here’s the app (there is a free version) that I use personally and that all my clients use, ThinkUp 

2. Surrender in the Moments That Matter.
Whether at the starting line of the 4 X 100 in the Olympics, or it’s your first presentation to your new boss, Dixon shares that we must step outside ourselves and surrender to what we have shown up to do. Show up fully present and serve at your highest level without any worry of the outcome.

Leroy Dixon was a “very small and skinny kid with no particular talent for sports.” It was his belief in himself and his ability to surrender fully in the moments that mattered. Of course, there were many important coaches and supporters along the way, but the message is this: Believe you can, get a mentor or coach, and put in the work. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t be world-class at what’s important to you too.

The next time you have an important event coming up, try using the "How to Level-Up" worksheet to help you surrender, so you can deliver your best performance. Download the worksheet here for FREE

My mission is to help others become world-class at what’s most important to them. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if I can help you or your team to be Mentally Tough, so you can dream, plan and achieve your best.

Here's to you being amazing!
- Sheryl -

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Watch the Video
View Sheryl's interview with 2X Olympian and Gold Medalist, Leroy Dixon.


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