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3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

(Scroll below to view the video)

After researching, studying and working with the Top 1%, I’ve learned that there are are similarities and differences between world-class performers and everyone else. Everyone experiences anger, fear, frustration, and doubt. Everyone. There’s one important difference though that, that sets the best apart from the rest. It’s that world-class performers are intimately and vividly aware of what they want and why they care so deeply.

Maybe you’ve heard that before, but do you know how to uncover your why?

Your real why.

Regardless of what your next level of ambition is, it might be hard. Maybe really hard. What will get you to your next finish line or to your own personal Olympics is being intimately aware of why you care about it. This will prove as your biggest cheerleader, and it will extend a lifeline when you want to quit.

We’ve all wanted to quit, right?

It will help you persevere when others retreat or give up.

Here’s a couple tips to shift your mindset and get in touch with your real why, so you can unleash your best:

1. Plan quiet time every day. 
For me, it’s 5:00 a.m. when my house is quiet and before I head out to my spin or bootcamp class. After I still my mind (ie: meditate:) for 10 minutes, send love to someone, have 1 moment of gratitude, I give myself 10 minutes to be still, to surrender to the possibilities that lie ahead for me. I ask for help and guidance, and declare that I have no fear and that I am ready. I sit on the carpeted floor of my bedroom, palms on the top of my legs facing up, eyes peering to the sky outside my window. I end with, ‘Show me the way. I am here.’

2. Connect the dots
Was there a special person in your life or an event that shaped you? For me it was my dad who told me ‘Sheryl, if  you focus and if you are consistent, you can achieve anything you put your mind to’. Are there any interactions or events that light  you up? What makes you smile? Start writing these things down.

3. Give yourself permission
You don’t need it from anyone else. I spent over 25 years helping the Top 1% of world-class performers to be better. It was not until 4 years ago that I gave myself permission to be the best too. Please do not wait that long. The world needs you to shine, now.

If you want a guide on how to rewire your brain to believe that what you want is possible, craft a plan to make it happen and gain the mindset to persevere, get on the pre-order list for my book, ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required to for a World-Class YOU (distribution begins February 1, 2019),


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I consider all of you world-class performers who can next-level your ability to be more purposeful. It’s more than that actually, we all must next-level our sense of purpose. The world needs you to be as amazing as possible, especially now.

Here's to you being amazing... you SO got this!


Watch the Video
View Sheryl's coaching video with tips on how to persevere when you want to quit.


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