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Isn’t It Time for Real Change? Let’s Do This!


Isn't It Time for Real Change? Let's Do This!

The world seems to be in a precarious place, and I believe wholeheartedly that the course correction that we need to see right now will be led by women (and fueled by some incredible allies). Do you agree?

As part of the Limitless Leader community, you’re undoubtedly committed to being a heard, valued, respected, and energized agent of change, with your family, peers, subordinates, and with your leadership while empowering others to do the same.

In addition to being lit up by what’s possible, sometimes leaning into our highest sense of contribution, can sometimes be challenging, frustrating, and downright exhausting!

Believe me, I hear you 100%.

Where our passion meets our expertise is our Olympics, our legacy, and what the world so desperately needs to see right now.

Like the work put in by Olympians, the thousands of hours and days leading up to competition, sometimes in solitude, and with no fanfare or recognition, we keep...

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Want to Rise More in 2022?

Want to Rise More in 2022?

If you know you’re doing a great job, but you feel like you’re getting overlooked, excluded or not on leadership’s radar enough, it could be the perfect time to get a plan in place to dial up your visibility and rise more. While there may be many things that are not controllable, there is one thing that is 100% under your control, and that’s the impact that YOU decide you want to have. Likely having greater impact means getting leadership on the bus with your ideas and seeing you as a confidant and trusted advisor. Let’s make sure you have a visibility plan in place now, so you can have as impactful a year as possible.

Here are a few questions that will help you take the first step, gaining personal clarity, to rise more in 2022. Deciding on the answers to these questions and taking action on them is a way of accepting where you’re being called for your highest sense of leadership. They will also help lay the foundation...

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Podcast Episode #75: "The Importance of Empathetic Leadership" - an Interview with Lindsay Zwart

empathy leadership Feb 18, 2021

The Importance of Empathetic Leadership

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Lindsay Zwart (Chief Enterprise Officer and Director, Vodafone), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Leading with compassion and empathy is what sets women apart. We can’t begin to understand what our customers and our team require without understanding where they’re coming from.
  • You need to cut yourself a break and know that as much as you want to do everything, you don’t need to do everything. Pick what will be the best for you to engage and have the best outcome.
  • You are the outcome. If you put the right structures in place, you can find the right balance that you need. Because work will continue calling, part of it, is accountability on understanding it’s on you as well to not take on more.
  • It is imperative to ask for help when needed. There’s no shame in that. Bringing smart brains together, bringing the collaboration of minds can get you the...
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Podcast Episode #40: "How To Use Strategic Humor In Leadership" - An Interview with Karyn Buxman

How To Use Strategic Humor In Leadership

Strategic humor has the power to build relationships, relieve stress, and boost creativity, along with many other outcomes beneficial to the workplace. Humor strengthens bonds and can completely shift the mood of your environment. And the best part? Anybody can learn how to implement it! Watch my interview with global speaker, coach and neurohumorist, Karyn Buxman as we discuss this important topic.

Here Are a Couple of the Main Take-Aways and Action Items:

  1. How strategic humor can increase your impact and bottom line.
  2. The difference between how men and women use and interpret humor in the workplace.
  3. How to use strategic humor to gain influence even if you are not funny.

To be notified for future interviews sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to lear more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

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