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Podcast Episode #75: "The Importance of Empathetic Leadership" - an Interview with Lindsay Zwart

empathy leadership Feb 18, 2021

The Importance of Empathetic Leadership

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Lindsay Zwart (Chief Enterprise Officer and Director, Vodafone), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Leading with compassion and empathy is what sets women apart. We can’t begin to understand what our customers and our team require without understanding where they’re coming from.
  • You need to cut yourself a break and know that as much as you want to do everything, you don’t need to do everything. Pick what will be the best for you to engage and have the best outcome.
  • You are the outcome. If you put the right structures in place, you can find the right balance that you need. Because work will continue calling, part of it, is accountability on understanding it’s on you as well to not take on more.
  • It is imperative to ask for help when needed. There’s no shame in that. Bringing smart brains together, bringing the collaboration of minds can get you the better outcome.
  • Importance of tenacity, saying that anything is possible, nothing is there to hold you back. It is around pushing through those barriers, there’s always a way through it, there’s always a way around it or underneath it.
  • Remember between bringing other women up with you to be authentic to yourself, and also to just really have that resilient mindsets.

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(Please click the green arrow button below to begin listening to the Podcast.)


... or watch a video recording of this LinkedIn LIVE "Limitless Leader" interview.

Read a transcript of this interview.

To your next level of impact and joy!


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