Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

3 Secrets to Use Disruption as a Superpower (Mentally and Strategically)

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We all face the threat of someone or something disrupting our status quo. The mere thought of disruption can be paralyzing or it can be a secret weapon. With the proper mindset and tools, you (or your team) can take control to use disruption as a superpower.

I had the opportunity to catch up with Michael Alf of the Disciplined Disruption Podcast. Here are a few of Michael’s rules to be proactive surrounding disruption, so you can capitalize on an uncertain situation. In future episodes, I will talk about the mindset and planning required to execute these amazing tips:

  1. Developing the proper mindset is a vital component when it comes to planning for disruption. One of the biggest challenges as businesses, industries and roles are changing is: ‘How do I expand my tool belt to be as prepared as possible?’ The answer to this question starts with being confident in what’s possible and having the mindset to make clear and actionable progress even when it gets challenging.
  2. Becoming more agile is key, within an industry as well as becoming personally more agile. Women especially in traditionally male industries, need to have a heightened awareness of how to deal with disruption in an organization and have a structure in place to do so.
  3. Networking and taking control can make a huge difference in the end game, and the planning should start sooner rather than later. Specifically, networking groups should be inclusive of men and women and not limited to one gender group. If women, do not have an inclusive networking group, one should be formed. Women can step into and take control of this process for the best outcome for themselves and their male colleagues.

I encourage you to reach out to me, so you can gain clarity and get a plan in place for you to use disruption as a superpower. Let's talk, because putting a pen to paper is where the transformation takes place!

I am here to support you and to make this content real.

Here’s to you being amazing!

Mental Toughness is the tool belt or catalyst which helps you to make consistent progress and to be happy along the way. Please check out the library of (free) resources on my website ( or schedule an appointment with me if you’d like to learn more!

Please do share if you found this helpful, and keep your eyes open for "Mental Toughness Mastery" which is my new monthly livecast coming out in the next couple of weeks! I am SO excited to share this with you, and you will be the first to know once it is launched!

Let's Talk

Please schedule a FREE 15-minute consult with me if I can provide any more information on Mental Toughness strategies or help you evaluate if 1:1 coaching is a fit for you.

What's On Your Mind?

I would love to hear from you! Email me if there is any particular topic on Mental Toughness that you want to learn about.

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