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It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

(Scroll below to view the video)

I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving break with family and friends.

I'm 100% blown away by how amazing YOU already are!

Here’s what I’m hearing though over and over again from my local and global workshop attendees... as well as those applying for my monthly subscription:

Despite all the amazing things they are doing... “I feel mediocre.”

I hear you.

I’ve felt that way too.

If we work extra hard, we feel like we are mediocre with our loved ones and friends. If we commit to our family, our career ambitions might slow down. Here’s the worst: We work extra hard at both, and still feel like we are coming up short:(.

I'd like to share three valuable tips to STOP feeling mediocre and get onto feeling (as Jen Sincero of You are a Badass so eloquently puts it) like your badass self at work AND at home.

  1. Create your circumstances and the person you want to become NOW
    Write your personal manifesto to yourself, and read it every night before bed. The more detailed the better.

  2. Form an accountability structure for yourself. 
    Newsflash: Willpower does not exist. Best case scenario, it gets depleted PRONTO. Do not depend on it. Who will your board of directors be and how will they support you on your march to your next level of greatness?

  3. Celebrate your successes big and small
    Celebrate the process and not just the outcome. The outcome will be a product of your new habit and processes you have in place.

Want some help?

I am SO excited to share this!

In anticipation of the upcoming release of my book, ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World Class YOU, I will be sharing excerpts. In addition, there are some fun insider perks coming up for my loyal subscribers. Below is a portion from the book's introduction.

But first...

What is it time for you to do in 2019...?

If it’s YOUR time, I’d love to have you as a Founding Member of my Mental Toughness Mastery Roundtable with Q&A (live) community. There are only a couple spots left for our December 4, 2018 roundtable, so join today before it gets opened up to the public this January in conjunction with my book launch.

What will the outcomes of this monthly community be?

  1. Clarity for your next level of ambition and how to get there.
  2. Accountability from me and our community who will cheer you on, challenge you, and collaborate with you
  3. Easy to use tools to crush the feeling of mediocrity and get busy making progress toward what you want and deserve
  4. Community via our online Zoom video calls, when we come together in person once a year, and via our closed Facebook group

Just click below to grab one of the last Founding Member spots.

Yes, I Want To Be A Founding Member

Learn the more at: ... and enjoy this preview from ZONED IN....

"I believe that we all have a gift placed inside us, with a limited amount of time to bring it into the world. I wholeheartedly believe that it’s time. It’s time for us to show up in this world as we are meant to. It’s time to take what matters most to the next level. It’s time to understand that we have greatness within us already.

Let’s believe that the world is conspiring to coax this gift out of us, and the world desperately needs to see it now. It’s time for us to inspire others to do the same by leading as an example. Whether you consider yourself a role model or not, you are. People are watching, following your lead, and it’s usually the ones you care about the most.

It’s time to understand that the only limitations are those we put on ourselves, and the only dream that is impossible is the one we cannot see. We all have room for improvement—whether it’s in our work, our relationships, or our personal wellness. What is most important to you right now? How can this time around be different or even better if you learn how to be mentally tough? Let’s lay a solid foundation together, so you can have the mental toughness to make consistent progress
towards your finish line.

Here’s the amazing thing. You are not going at it alone. Beyond the pages of this book are resources to champion your efforts and a community waiting to cheer you on, challenge you, and help you. When you get to the end of this book, I will be waiting at the finish line, cheering and taking your hand to keep going. You just need to commit and believe that—yes—it is your time. We will rise, together.

Are you in?"

I consider all of you world-class performers who can next-level your ability to be more purposeful. It’s more than that actually, we all must next-level our sense of purpose. The world needs you to be as amazing as possible, especially now.

To your continued success and joy!

Book a 15-Minute Call with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

During our session, we'll gain clarity on your greatest aspiration, evaluate your challenges, and then I'll coach you on an actionable item to make progress. I'll also give you a helpful worksheet.  No obligation ... so let's talk!

Schedule your call with Sheryl today.

Watch the Video: 
Tune into this video Sheryl recently shot that includes more Mental Toughness tips, tools and habits on how to stop feeling mediocre.


Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book Fearless Female Leadership?

Get Exclusive Early Access Bonuses:

  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
  • View a digital lesson of the Fearless Female Leadership Enterprise Journey Edition
  • Gain early access to book exclusive training events during International Day of the Woman
  • Receive volume book purchase discounts

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