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One World-Class Tool to Crush Negative Thoughts and Excuses

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Negative self-talk crushes confidence. Period.

One rabbit hole you don’t want to go down if you have an ambition that’s important to you.

If you want to crush negative thoughts AND excuses and then get busy with progress, here’s what you need to start practicing today: positive re-framing.

What is it?

A way of acknowledging the struggle you're having and then use it to your advantage.

How does it work?

It activates your RAS or your reticular activating system which is a part of your brain that controls and serves as a filter of sorts that only lets the important information through. Thinking about buying a certain type of new car and then that’s all you see on the road? That’s your RAS filtering out all the other cars that don’t matter to you.

Why is this important?

If you over emphasize negative thoughts and make excuses, that is what your RAS will think is important. Guess what? Negative thoughts will compound as will your excuses. Yikes!

What to do?

Start ‘re-framing’ your negative thoughts to positive ones. Then, your RAS will work to your advantage, and you will be more aware of seeking out solutions and making progress (not excuses:).

Here’s an example: You miss a day going to the gym. Instead of saying ‘I am never going to get fit.’, you might say ‘I didn’t make it to the gym, but I am committed to my health. I will walk after dinner and get back on track tomorrow. (bonus thought: Announcing this out loud at dinner will up the ante and make it more likely it will happen as well.)

Just like getting a six-pack, or a promotion at work, positive re-framing takes practice. Start today and watch the transformation happen.

I am here to support you every step along the way, so let’s do this!

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My mission is to help others become world-class at what’s most important to them. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if I can help you or your team to be Mentally Tough, so you can dream, plan and achieve your best.

Here's to you being amazing!
- Sheryl -

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Please schedule a FREE 15-minute consult with me if I can provide any more information on Mental Toughness strategies or help you evaluate if 1:1 coaching is a fit for you.

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