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3 Best-Kept Secrets to "Win the Day"... Consistently!

win the day Mar 29, 2018

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Before I get into the super impactful and fun content for today, I’d like to first say "THANK YOU!" for being amazing followers. I super appreciate you!

Second, I am going to debut a new newsletter format.

Here’s the scoop, and I hope it serves you and anyone you choose to share my content with!

  1. The theme of all future content is "The Power of 1" 
    In an effort for you to apply what I am sharing, it’s important to focus on one thing at at time for the week! 98% of us are not good at multitasking (me included!), so let’s be world-class and do one thing at a time :)
  2. I will be sharing: 
    • 1 challenge
    • 1 quote
    • 1 book

I absolutely LOVE hearing from you all, so please let me know what you think!

Let’s get to it for today :)

Have you ever tried to cut sugar out of your diet, but the pantry is full of sugary treats? I have, and it usually ends in failure, frustration and disappointment:(. Now, the pantry is...

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