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The First Step to Building an Influential Mindset

NEW!  Join the "Live" Mental Toughness Mastery Round Table with Q & A this Saturday Morning

Take a break in your morning to attend the 2nd of 3 FREE round table discussions via this Saturday, October 7th at 9:30-10:00 a.m. PST. I will be sharing Mental Toughness tips, tools and habits on building an influential mindset, and then open it up for plenty of Q & A. Log in details are below, and I encourage you to share with any colleagues, friends or family members you think would be interested in attending.

  • Mental Toughness Community Round Table #2: October 7, 2017 9:30 a.m. PST
  • Topic: "The First Step to Building an Influential Mindset"
  • Video conference log-in:
  • Or Telephone dial-in๏ผšUS: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923
  • Meeting ID: 686 019 4592

Now to today's topic: The First Step to Building an Influential Mindset

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

There is a misconception about influence that it is reserved for the elite few or for those in positions of authority. We all have ideas, feelings and wisdom that deserve to be heard AND that may have a profound impact on others. I almost look at it as an obligation. Whether you feel like you are influential or not, you can learn to become more influential, and it starts with gaining an influential mindset.

Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Believe in yourself, your ideas, your worth, and your contribution.
    If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s unlikely others will believe in you.

  2. Let go of the outcome.
    Those with an influential mindset are less concerned with the outcome or with what people will think and more concerned about getting their message across clearly and with impact. In other words, they focus on the most important things they have control over to get their message across.

  3. Get accountable to someone who believes in you. 
    The people who we spend our time with shape who we are. If you are looking to build your influence, try finding at least one friend or mentor that believes in you and your ideas. Make a conscious effort to spend time with them to get encouragement and to practice having influential conversations.

I am 100% sincere when I tell you that influence can be yours, IF it’s important to you. Like many other skills, it is learned. Here’s a personal example. I always knew I was passionate about teaching Mental Toughness, so I could help people to dream, plan and achieve their best. The problem was that no one had heard of Mental Toughness coaching before. I first had to believe that it was valuable and could transform lives. That’s where it all starts. I have been SO blessed to delivered content at Google Ventures, Microsoft, Pixar, Autodesk, VMware and to various CEO’s and senior leaders in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Let’s not forget the amazing teens and young adults around the world that I have had the privilege of working with that are now crushing it! I admire them SO much.

I struggled as a young person and early in my career, and it took me a long time learn how to have an influential mindset and then move on to learning how to actually have influence itself. The influence tool is still being sharpened, and I will always be studying it! I am SO excited to condense and share what I’ve learned over the last two decades about how you can gain a more influential mindset.

I am here to support you and to make this content real.

Here’s to you being amazing and learning how to gain the mindset required to have the influence you desire and that you deserve!

Mental Toughness is the tool belt or catalyst which helps you to make consistent progress and to be happy along the way. Please check out the library of (free) resources on my website ( or schedule an appointment with me if you’d like to learn more!

Please do share if you found this helpful, and keep your eyes open for "Mental Toughness Mastery" which is my new monthly livecast coming out in the next couple of weeks! I am SO excited to share this with you, and you will be the first to know once it is launched!

Let's Talk

Please schedule a FREE 15-minute consult with me if I can provide any more information on Mental Toughness strategies or help you evaluate if 1:1 coaching is a fit for you.

What's On Your Mind?

I would love to hear from you! Email me if there is any particular topic on Mental Toughness that you want to learn about.

View the Video


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