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Building Your Authentic Brand - an Interview with Cheryl Cook


In case you missed my interview with the incredible Cheryl Cook, Senior Vice President at Dell Technology, here are some key takeaways, or you can watch the entire interview above:

  • Embracing Challenges and Risks: Moving across the country at 21, Cheryl’s career is a testament to the growth that comes from stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing new challenges.
  • Navigating the Zigzag Path to Success: Her path to becoming a Senior Vice President was a series of opportunities and lessons, highlighting the importance of being open to new experiences.
  • Courage Over Fear: A key element in Cheryl’s success has been recognizing fear and choosing to move forward regardless, a trait essential for effective leadership.
  • Authenticity in Personal Branding: Cheryl stresses the importance of authenticity in building trust and credibility, crucial for establishing strong professional relationships.
  • Trusting Your Instincts: Cheryl advises trusting your gut, especially when making critical decisions, as our instincts often guide us accurately.
  • Leaning into Opportunities: In a constantly evolving industry, Cheryl encourages embracing change and taking calculated risks to uncover new growth opportunities.

To stay up-to-date with future interviews and gain valuable resources on building mindset and influence to have an even greater voice and impact, be sure to join our Fearless Female Leader community at or click here to schedule a time and let's chat.

Cheering you on always,
- Sheryl

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