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You've Been Called... Are You Ready? (Story of the Bricklayers)

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2020

You've Been Called... Are You Ready?

“It’s time to stop complying with the system and draw your own map. You have brilliance in you, your contribution is essential, and the art you create is precious. Only you can do it, and you must."
- Seth Godin, Linchpin

Ready to dig deep and draw your map, together?

This is a private invitation for you to join my last (free) Virtual MasterClass of the year. 

"Re-motivate, Recharge, Recommit: 3 Proven Mindset Strategies for Leaders to Finish 2020 Strong and Feel Energized for 2021"

Thursday, December 10, 2020 
11:00 a.m. PST

Seating limited to 30. No recording. Registration required.

If you feel like you've been called for more or called to shift, join me on Thursday.

Grab one of the final seats: 

In solidarity and with total confidence in you,



P.s. Watch My Video of the "Story of the Bricklayers"

P.S.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain purpose driven clarity and start taking action with my “Success Builder Sprint Program” (now just $19!), so you get a better sense of control over what matters.— Click Here 

2. Grab a copy of my best selling book ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU.” It’s for those discovering a new ambition and those taking their current ambition to the next level. — Click Here 

3. Apply to join the “LIVE Limitless Leader Monthly Mastery" roundtable with Q&A where each month you'll join a community of like-minded people focused on gaining the Mental Toughness skills to reach heightened and sustained performance and potential in their career, personal wellness, relationships and more! — Apply Here 

4. Apply for one of the very few coveted spots in my 1:1 coaching program and work with me privately, so you can fully fulfill your purpose and potential! Could new tools, new perspective and an unparalleled scientific-based curriculum and accountability be just what you need? It starts with a FREE private 30-minute Ignition Call — Apply Here


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