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You Are a Gift (My Surrender Practice)

You Are a Gift (My Surrender Practice)

First, thank you for becoming a new subscriber or for being a subscriber to our community for many years. Your willingness to continue to learn and grow makes you world-class. I mean it wholeheartedly when I say, you are a gift. A gift to your family, your colleagues, clients and ultimately to the world.

Our community motto for 2021 is Hone It and Own It because you deserve to shine your light as bright as ever in 2021, and you must. There is something that will inevitably get in the way though, so let’s deal with it now, so we can be unencumbered by it in 2021… This invisible barrier is called ‘preference’.

Preference is a funny (and troublesome) thing. When we prefer that something entirely out of our control is a certain way and it isn’t, more often than not it creates anxiety, frustration and sometimes even anger. These snowballs that we build into avalanches with our mind tend to extinguish our best work. Our creativity, productivity, innovative ability and ability to live into our purpose or ability to live purposefully every day, diminishes. 

Preferences don’t change anything or help in any way. Here’s a simple example. I live on a street that has 20 or so houses in the community. In the beginning of COVID, my husband and I were not invited to the ‘social distance’ Friday afternoon happy hours that most of the other neighbors attended. They were in one neighbor’s driveway. Not so much of a nod, none the less of an invitation, when we walked by. Some of these neighbors receive this newsletter, and you know who you are, LOL. My preference was to be included. 

That preference did not get me an invitation. 

It only magnified a situation that, in the scheme of things, did not matter. When I just accepted what was with no attachment to it, I was able to take an intelligent action (instead of making up silly stories in my head about what I could have done to deserve being left out. Did Kona our lab poop on their lawn?). When we accept what is, and not curse it, be mad or annoyed at it, we can get back to making an intelligent choice of the best way to move forward. I invited two of the other (left out:) neighbors over for a social distance dinner, and we all had a great time which allowed me the mental space to get back to creating, serving and putting good into the world... and into my neighborhood community.

Here’s the point. You are a gift. 

We are still at a critical point in the COVID pandemic, there is still uncertainty, and disruption will continue into the New Year. There’s no changing that. It just is.

It’s time to "de-cide" (again, that literally means "death of all other options") what your gift is, how you’ll bring it to light in 2021 even more and inspire others to do the same.

Yes, you get to decide what you will create, how you’ll show up, and how you’ll be remembered in 2021. Let’s "Hone It and Own It," together. 

Make peace with what is, dream bigger, and proceed everyday as if that big, crazy, audacious dream has already happened. 

You are a gift, and your purpose-driven work is needed now more than ever. 

Here’s a video of my Surrender Practice that I use daily. It should help you slow down, so you can gain clarity and speed up the gift you’ll bring in 2021. The world is ready. Are you?:)

Have a safe and Happy Holiday!

Cheering you on always,



P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain purpose driven clarity and start taking action with my “Success Builder Sprint Program” (now just $19!), so you get a better sense of control over what matters.— Click Here 

2. Grab a copy of my best selling book ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU.” It’s for those discovering a new ambition and those taking their current ambition to the next level. — Click Here 

3. Apply to join the “LIVE Limitless Leader Monthly Mastery" roundtable with Q&A where each month you'll join a community of like-minded people focused on gaining the Mental Toughness skills to reach heightened and sustained performance and potential in their career, personal wellness, relationships and more! — Apply Here 

4. Apply for one of the very few coveted spots in my 1:1 coaching program and work with me privately, so you can fully fulfill your purpose and potential! Could new tools, new perspective and an unparalleled scientific-based curriculum and accountability be just what you need? It starts with a FREE private 30-minute Ignition Call — Apply Here


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