Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

Want to Think2Win? Here's How to Start...

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Thanks for watching the last video on How to "Level-Up.”

I honor you/your team's desire to learn how to be world-class especially in moments that matter most to you.

I’d like to share something with you that many people do not know.

You are talented enough to be amazing at whatever is important to you. You see, it’s proven in science that it’s NOT talent that makes people great (Talent is Overrated, Geoff Colvin). It's your mindset and focused practice that will move the needle.

You will have an opportunity to learn HOW to practice as well as the mindset required to be your best. Guess what? This will not only affect you. It will affect those you serve as a role model for AND those you influence.

I know how you might feel. “I am not training for a national athletic event” or “I am not on my way to be in the top 1% of any endeavor.”

Here’s the thing. We tend to be happier when we are doing our best. Whatever you have coming up or whatever you dream about doing, YOU CAN. I will take this one step further. YOU MUST. In this crazy world, the do-gooders and go-getters must prevail. Once you dream and take action, so will others.

My Story:

As for me, before I knew how to be Mentally Tough, I struggled. A lot. I went to a small uber-competitive private high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Test taking was extremely anxiety producing, and my thoughts and emotions got in the way of me performing my best, even when I was capable and prepared. The same happened when competing in national competitions (I was an equestrian, and rode show jumpers). I wanted to know how world-class performers could prepare for decades or most of their life, and despite enormous pressure, they could show up and deliver. This was my biggest frustration as a young person, so I spent the last two decades studying applied sport psychology, working with world-class performers and learning how to teach people to be extraordinary.

You might be thinking of things that can hold you back:

  • I am not smart enough.
  • I went to the wrong school.
  • I am not well-connected enough.
  • I am not male enough.
  • I am not talented enough.
  • I am the wrong ethnicity.
  • I have failed in the past.
  • I am not good enough.
  • People won’t accept my dreams.

Well, the science says that these are NOT reasons to hold you back!

You are only limited by what you think is possible. BUT, it starts with you learning how to be Mentally Tough.

I know this may sound hard or maybe other people can do this but not you. I am here to show you that YOU can learn to be Mentally Tough, so you can dream, plan and achieve your best (and be happy along the way).

The first step is to believe in your abilities. Here are a few tools to do just that:

  • ThinkUp app. (Use positive affirmations to change your brain! If you believe it, you can do it!)
  • Positive Affirmations worksheet (download PDF.) Affirmations are statements that you know to be true about yourself or that you wish were true. Use this worksheet to document your affirmations.

Here’s the challenge:

  • Post on the Mental Toughness Coaching Facebook page ( one thing that you have either always wanted to do but either didn’t try or you gave up. WE all have this in common, and I commend you for sharing yours.
  • Also, please post comments and questions, so I can hop in to cheer you on and reply.

Here's to you being amazing!
- Sheryl -

Let's Talk

Please schedule a FREE 15-minute consult with me if I can provide any more information on Mental Toughness strategies or help you evaluate if 1:1 coaching is a fit for you.

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My goal is to help you reach heightened levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence on your march to a successful, healthy, and fully charged life. During this 1:1 session, we’ll explore what’s most important to you in your career, personal wellness, relationships, and more. I’ll share some of the tips, tools and habits of the world's highest performers, so you can apply them to your life. Apply today (a $297 value)!

What's On Your Mind?

I would love to hear from you! Email me if there is any particular topic on Mental Toughness that you want to learn about.

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