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Time to Plan Your Exit Strategy and Decide What’s Next?

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2022
Sheryl Kline M.A. CHPC: Fearless Female Leadership
Time to Plan Your Exit Strategy and Decide What’s Next?

Clarity is fluid and many times not easy to reassess. One thing I know for sure is that our future depends on women leaders to shift cultures, companies, and the world for the greater good.

 If you feel like it’s time to take an honest look at an exit strategy, assess the impact you want to have in your company prior to your departure, and decide on what’s next, it will not likely happen in solitude.

 Executive peer advisory communities are SO important for influential heart-centered female leaders, especially for women who are ‘onlys’ and ‘double onlys’ in their companies and/or boardrooms.

 After speaking with over two dozen female executives that are seriously considering dropping their executive women’s membership or know of many who have already dropped, I got curious to find out why.

 Here’s what I found out and possibly what to consider when choosing an executive peer advisory for yourself:

 1. True peers and not mentorship sessions. Many executive women felt like they were mentoring others and not receiving the push and support from others in similar roles.

 2. A Safe place where the walls are down as well as a confidential community where everyone can be vulnerable with their triumphs and struggles.

 3. A Committed Community who shows up, participates, and is there for each other.

 4. Structured Discussions with prepared topics, discussion points, and limited chit chat to make sure the time together is meaningful.

 5. A Place to Push, be Pushed, Brainstorm, and Connect to compound knowledge, experience, power, and impact.

 6. FUN Who says having a bigger impact and living your legacy has to be serious and, at least not all of the time!

 Imagine what the compound effect and power of hundreds of years of wisdom, thousands of high-level connections, and an all-in commitment to support each other could be.

 After trying unsuccessfully to find such a community for my clients, I decided to create one. It’s called the Limitless Leader Executive Peer Advisory.

 There are 12 seats total, 6 remain.

 Please schedule a time here to learn more.


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