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Are You Ready?

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

I want 2019 to be different for you. It’s time to take control of what you want, plan for it, and make clear and measurable progress. Period. Here’s the thing. The planning and foundation starts now (not in January.)

It’s been proven in science that there are a couple things we must do to make clear and measurable progress towards what we want, so I created the 7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge. I teach it to world-class athletes, teens, senior leaders, and CEO’s of the household, so they can dream, plan and achieve their best. Now, it’s YOUR turn! What if you have already completed it? No problem. Let’s do it again to help you next-level whatever is important to you. 

Just download your FREE 7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge, and we are off to the races!

Day 1 is "One Person":
We have spoken about accountability recently, but who will be your challenge partner and why will this person be a great cheerleader for you? World-class performers share their dreams which is a big part of keeping them motivated. If you are playing both roles, get ready to be your biggest fan!

When filling this out on your 7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge worksheet, be sure to remember the following:

  1. Choose someone who is an expert at what you want to improve. At a very minimum, he/she should be better than you at it.
  2. Choose someone who will be very transparent with you. In other words someone who be willing to cheer you on AND who will be willing to tell you when you are not showing up 100%. Honesty is the best policy, even if the conversation is a bit uncomfortable.
  3. Choose someone who will push you beyond your comfort zone. Making progress, especially into uncharted territories, is hard work (it’s better you know now:). How hard do you work when you go to the gym by yourself (if you go!). Get the point?

If you want to learn more about the the science behind this content, check out the book Peak: The Secrets from the New Science of Expertise.

For now, all you have to do is choose your One Person by next week! I have my One Person, so let’s make sure you have yours too!

Here's to you being amazing!
- Sheryl -

Let's Talk

Please schedule a FREE 15-minute consult with me if I can provide any more information on Mental Toughness strategies or help you evaluate if 1:1 coaching is a fit for you.

Apply for a FREE 1:1 One-Hour Strategy Session
My goal is to help you reach heightened levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence on your march to a successful, healthy, and fully charged life. During this 1:1 session, we’ll explore what’s most important to you in your career, personal wellness, relationships, and more. I’ll share some of the tips, tools and habits of the world's highest performers, so you can apply them to your life. Apply today (a $297 value)!

What's On Your Mind?

I would love to hear from you! Email me if there is any particular topic on Mental Toughness that you want to learn about.

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