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What it Takes to Achieve ‘What’s Next’ (Part 1): Dream

dreaming Nov 15, 2023

As we navigate Q4 of 2023, and we’re focused on ‘hitting the number’, it’s a great time to take a step back and focus on the first pivotal step to achieving ‘what’s next’: Dreaming.

  • Dreams as Drivers: Your gut and your heart are very wise, but we’re often too busy, anxious, or distracted to hear the wisdom of our internal compass. It may be time to slow down before you can speed up.
  • No Limits: Aim high and boldly; stretch your imagination beyond your current circumstances. The world is in desperate need of courageous heart-centered leaders who are ready to feel what’s next, and go all in.
  • Personalized Dreams: Your dreams are uniquely yours, reflecting your values, priorities, and vision. Take the time to slow down and right the ship if you feel a bit off course or if your pace is not sustainable.
  • Dynamic Nature of Dreams: Keep your dreams active and dynamic, updating them to align with your growth and with your highest sense of integrity.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series where we’ll delve into the ‘Plan’ phase. Here’s to gaining clarity on what’s most important for the remainder of the year and beyond!

To learn more, watch my video above.... or listen to it on my podcast.


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