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Personalized Signed Book + Live Book Club = Impact

book book club zoned in Dec 19, 2019

Personalized Signed Book + Live Book Club = Impact

Your goals and dreams will not likely come true if you don’t gather new tools and a new mindset for your new ambitions.

Are you ready to accept the challenge of realizing what is rightfully yours?

If you’re a resounding "YES!", I’d like to invite you to a private (FREE) book club in January 2020 where I coach you live through my book, ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU.

These live sessions will take place each Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. PST throughout January. 

The only thing you’ll need to do is to grab my (discounted) book here by December 31, 2019 … and I’d be happy to ship you a personalized signed copy so you can follow along. The book contains my entire "ZONED IN" framework to help you gain the clarity and confidence to transform you from where you are now, to where you want to be in the coming year and beyond. 

There will be live coaching, homework, community and most importantly, transformation and tools to lean into a New Year and a new decade. 

Could this be just what you need?

This is a limited time offer. Grab your (discounted) personalized signed copy here (or grab a couple if you still need some stocking stuffers), and we’ll be off to the races. 

Can I Give You More Perspective?

I am here to make this content real and actionable for you. Let me know how I can help. Schedule a FREE 15-minute consult call with me.

 Join Us on Social Media


We are on a journey together to empower 10,000 women and men globally to be mentally tough by the end of 2020. Thank you for joining me in part of something amazing!

Let's do this 2020, together! 


P.s. Please do share on LinkedIn or your other social outlets if you found this helpful or if you know of any other like-minded ambitious catalyst warriors who are looking towards unlocking that next level of impact and joy!



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