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Podcast Episode #46: "Key Strategies to Advance Young Women in Politics (and How We All Benefit)" - An Interview with Giovanna Mingarelli

Key Strategies to Advance Young Women in Politics (and How We All Benefit)

What an honor to have interviewed @giovannamingarelli who is full steam ahead in creating a global movement for women in the technology and politics space. Here are the key take-aways, but I'd like to invite you to listen to the entire 30 minute interview.

Giovanna Mingarelli is the CEO and Co-Founder of two international companies, M&C Consulting and MC2, and plays the dual role of technology entrepreneur and thought leader. For 15 years Ms. Mingarelli has worked in the field of political and digital communications and has served in the office of a former Prime Minister of Canada. Ms. Mingarelli is a member of the Government of Canada Treasury Board Secretariat External Advisory Board for Talent Cloud, developing the future of work for Canada’s Public Service. She has been a Parliamentary witness and a keynote speaker relating to the advancement of young women in politics and digital democracy through her work with Equal Voice: Electing Women in Canada.

Here Are a Couple of the Main Take-Aways:

  1. The growth mindset and the abundance mindset is actually what allows us to ultimately succeed
  2. Whatever political party you come from wherever in the world, the mindset that we have as women will make the biggest impact and is the single most important thing to check in on every single day
  3. Advice to younger self: relax and let the world unfold more, read a lot and enjoy your life and everything is going to unfold and you're going to be awesome and fabulous
  4. Say 'I love myself' more and put boundaries on your time, so you can care for yourself more
  5. Get in touch with Giovanna at or get involved with her global efforts with Women in Cloud to generate economic access for women in tech. You can join that movement here,

To be notified for future interviews sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to lear more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

(Click the orange arrow button below to begin listening to the Podcast.)

... or watch a video recording of the LinkedIn LIVE interview.

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