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Your Great Re-Design of 2022

Your Great Re-Design of 2022

Just like an ultra-marathoner, here we are. We’ve covered a ton of ground, have LOTS to be grateful for, touched many lives with our heart and accomplishments, climbed some big mountains, celebrated milestones, but we are tired.

As we likely sped past Hanukkah and now head into Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s, we’ll cherish time with family, give gifts, give love, give time, give money to amazing causes and organizations, and (for my fellow Jewish Limitless Leader subscriber family), make and give lots of food, LOL!

But there is one thing that some of us may need to unapologetically receive, so we can re-design our upcoming year.


Time to pause.

Time to reflect.

Time to recharge...

...and time to plan for a year that we’d like to create. So, in the holiday spirit, I invite you to gift yourself some time alone to do just that.

Yes, before we map out our personal and professional goals, it may be a good time to just “be.” You see, if we do not slow down to think about what makes us happy, what we’d like our schedule to look like, the time we’d like to spend with people that light us up, how we want to work, or what success really means to us, we’ll continue running the race, but it won’t be our own.

So, before you consider re-signing or backing away from some “unfinished business” where your passion and expertise are needed now more than ever, consider re-designing.

Whether you decide to take a couple of hours or a couple of days, the best place to start is by re-designing your day. Here’s my “Rule Your Morning, Rule Your Day” worksheet that might help.

When it comes to re-designing your day or your week, I’m guessing that the biggest ask you’ll have to make is permission from yourself. Permission to start work later and have a morning routine and movement practice, to take 30 minutes for lunch to eat and go for a walk, to have 15 minutes in between meetings or have fewer meetings, to ask for help on the weekend or with dinner…

If you’re a part of our Limitless Leader community, I have no doubt you’re a linchpin, invaluable. Do NOT underestimate the leverage you have re-design your day or the necessity of taking care of YOU.

If you’d like to have a private and confidential conversation and gain guidance on your plan for more visibility and to rise more in 2022, let’s chat!

Happy Holidays, take good care, and get ready for an epic 2022, together.


P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain purpose-driven clarity and start taking action with my “Success Builder Sprint Program” (now just $19!), so you get a better sense of control over what matters.— Click Here 

2. Grab a copy of my best-selling book ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU.” It’s for those discovering a new ambition and those taking their current ambition to the next level. — Click Here 

3. Empower your team to have the mindset, influence, and habits to become compassionate yet fiercely focused leaders amidst an increasingly disruptive year, email me at [email protected] to schedule a private discussion. Together we'll customize the Limitless Leader system to help your company, team, or organization deal with overwhelm, manage the new normal, meet the demands of an evolving workplace, and more!

4. Would you like me to go shoulder to shoulder with you, personally guide and challenge you through the Limitless Leader system and help you fulfill your purpose and potential? To experience new tools, new perspectives, a scientific-based curriculum, and accountability apply Here to join the waitlist (openings expected in September 2021.)


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