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Time to Reset Your Northstar?

northstar reset May 11, 2021

Time to Reset Your Northstar?

I’ve got to be honest. The last few weeks have been hard! Are you feeling it? Too much. Too long. Too fast. If you’re running at a pace that is not sustainable and not serving you (or those who are around you:), it may be time to create a little white space, so you can reset your Northstar. In other words, give yourself permission to have a little white space to pause, reflect and plan how you’d like to feel the second half of the year. 

To set ourselves (and our teams) up for a productive and profitable Q3 and Q4, let’s have a half-year course correction to make sure we’re running in the right direction AND at a pace that’s sustainable. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so let’s make sure no one has to mentally or physically pull out of the race in the second half of the year. 

I know you are a “do’er”, and taking time to slow down for a moment so you and/or your team can speed up the remainder of the year may sound impossible. I hear you, but I’d like to invite you to give yourself permission to do it anyway.

Your voice and contribution are needed now more than ever, so let’s make sure you stay in the game, AND in the right game 100% until the end of the year. 

You see, world-class performers are remarkably clear about who they are as well as what they want and deserve to achieve. The journey to your next level of impact starts with gaining clarity around your highest sense of integrity, which will serve as your Northstar for all of our daily tasks and interactions. 

What’s one result of doing this?

When Sue (not her real name), a senior leader in finance, took the time to do this. She then realized that she did not even want what she was fighting so hard to get! Sue was competing to compete, adding stress, limiting her time even more for an additional role that was not even important to her. After making it through the clarity tools, she had an “aha!“... Her Northstar was not the prestige of heading up a new initiative, but it was to establish a more formalized mentorship program.

Maybe it’s time to examine what you think you should be doing or what the next logical step is and allow your Northstar to guide you.

Maybe it’s a raise, a promotion, lateral move, a new initiative, or accessing the next level for your current role. It may be illogical, non-traditional, or just not what you had envisioned for yourself (or what others envisioned for you). 

It’s all about slowing down, raising awareness, and perhaps gaining a new perspective, so you understand where you’re most needed right now.

So, let’s get clear on your highest sense of integrity, so you can begin the process of becoming congruent with the best version of you, so you can spend your precious time on what matters most. 

Here’s a great place to start, so you can begin to gain next-level clarity and create a Northstar to guide you:

Who’s Your Who?
Most of us are familiar with thinking about our “why”, but this is a little different. Is there a person who has inspired you to greatness or who has made you want to fight harder to make something right? For example, my mother never had a voice when it came to sticking up for me when I was younger, in our home, or for what she was passionate about. She is my “who” because I fight for her voice and for all heart-centered female leaders who do not feel heard, valued, or recognized. For “Sue” in the example above, she realized that without her mentors, one in particular, she would not have achieved her level of success. When she connected with this, she realized that creating a legacy of a mentorship program was more important than money or prestige.

Now it’s your turn! Take a moment to write down “who’s your who”, and how this person shaped who you are today.

Let’s do this 2021, together! Apply for a private and confidential 1:1 Ignition Call with me if I can help in any way:



P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help: 

1. Gain purpose-driven clarity and start taking action with my “Success Builder Sprint Program” (now just $19!), so you get a better sense of control over what matters.— Click Here 

2. Grab a copy of my best-selling book ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU.” It’s for those discovering a new ambition and those taking their current ambition to the next level. — Click Here 

3. Empower your team to have the mindset, influence, and habits to become compassionate yet fiercely focused leaders amidst an increasingly disruptive year, email me at [email protected] to schedule a private discussion. Together we'll customize the Limitless Leader system to help your company, team, or organization deal with overwhelm, manage the new normal, meet the demands of an evolving workplace, and more!

4. Would you like me to go shoulder to shoulder with you, personally guide and challenge you through the Limitless Leader system and help you fulfill your purpose and potential? To experience new tools, new perspectives, a scientific-based curriculum, and accountability apply Here to join the waitlist (openings expected in September 2021.)


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