Meet Our Coaches

Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
Sheryl has a philosophy that it’s time for women to own their unique power and surrender to their highest sense of leadership now and that our future depends on it.Â
She is a mother and executive coach to some of the most prolific women leaders in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and across the country. Sheryl is also a speaker, best-selling author, CEO/Founder of The Zone Lab, LLC as well as a fierce believer in the light and power within each and every one of us.
For the last 25 years, Sheryl has been working with female leaders and their teams to master their mindset, influence, and habits, so they can be heard, valued, and respected agents of change. She has also sat on panels and conducted local and global workshops at WIT Network, Google Ventures, Oracle, Autodesk, Microsoft, Capital One, Pixar, VMware, Berkeley Haas School of Business, State Street Global Advisors, and Bank of America to name a few.
Sheryl is also a coach and salon leader for Coco Brown's Athena Alliance.

Stephanie Barros, CHPC
Stephanie is a Coach, International TedX Speaker, Facilitator, Author, Mentor and role model, particularly to women in traditionally male-dominated roles.
Her Master of Business in Information Technology Management, and Bachelor of Business in Accounting helped her gain valuable corporate experience in the healthcare, property and financial services industries and particularly information technology.
While serving as Chief Financial Officer of a smaller company, Stephanie assertively added the IT role, learning that she excelled in identifying effective systems and bridging the learning gap for others to confidently implement. That was her first delightful taste of coaching others to excellence.
Stephanie’s 25 years of corporate experience included HR manager over multiple business units and progressively responsible roles as an IT executive at Johnson & Johnson. After serving as IT Director for Australia and New Zealand, she achieved the rare female distinction as the Asia Pacific Regional Director of IT for J&J. This journey involved relocating to Singapore and extensive travel duties.
Despite being groomed as a Chief Information Officer, the combination of her entrepreneurial calling, and choosing not to uproot her family again for the US headquarters, led her to relocate back to her native Australia. There she started her high-performance coaching and facilitating business, globally serving individuals and corporate teams with a passion for developing talent, culture and leadership potential, with emphasis on IT professionals in IT organizations. Stephanie authored Ignite Female Change Makers and was named by Yahoo as one of Australia’s Top Rated Female Performance Coaches. She has lived in Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia, with extensive stints in the U.S. and Europe.
She is also a volunteer mentor for Females in Information Technology & Telecommunications, and co-founder of the Women Leading into the Future movement.
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Find out if the Fearless Female Leadership Program enterprise digital curriculum, coaching or speaking engagements are right for you, your department, or your team.
Book a time to speak with Sheryl via phone or Zoom video conference.
Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
The Zone Lab, LLC
[email protected]Â
(619) 693-7505
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Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
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