[EVENT]: "Productivity, Impact and Beating Overwhelm in 2H-2021"

Register to learn 3 mindset strategies to go from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or lacking the confidence to shift... to developing a clear roadmap, the confidence to see it through while not getting overwhelmed in the process.

Date: June 30, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT

Here's what you'll learn at this Virtual Workshop:

  • Get unstuck. so you can take control of the impact you want to have
  • Build confidence, so you can believe in your vision and take consistent action
  • Beat overwhelm, so you can sustain your progress

This invitation is open to your colleagues, friends, and team. Let’s keep your light shining bright.

To your sustained success!
- Sheryl

Contact Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

The Zone Lab, LLC
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #216
Lafayette, CA 94549
[email protected]
(925) 490-0095


97% Complete

Almost There!

Simply enter your first name and e-mail address and we'll get started with Day 1 of the "7-Day Mental Toughness Challenge!"